Câu hỏi:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Independent learners become ______ adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed, achieve and overcome challenges.

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3.8 9 Đánh giá

A. confident

B.  over-confident

C.  confidential

D.  confidence

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Câu hỏi khác cùng đề thi
Câu 6:

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

Question: Not many people attended the meeting.

A. People didn't show up for the meeting.

B.  There was a poor turn-out for the meeting.

C.  Too many people turned out at the meeting.

D.  Hardly did people come to the meeting.

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30/11/2021 0 Lượt xem

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